Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Sylvester Stallone Height

Sylvester Stallone’s height is a hot topic – with The Expendables topping the weekend box office, many are asking “How tall is Sylvester Stallone?”

The real answer about Sylvester Stallone’s height is unclear, with most reports saying he falls in at 5 foot 9 or 5 foot 10.

But take a look at Sylvester Stallone in this movie poster for The Expendables, where he appears to be as tall as (or taller than) some of his less height challenged co-stars.

Bruce Willis and Mickey Rourke, for example, are said to be 5 feet 11 inches tall and UFC fighter Randy Couture is 6 feet tall – so I question Sylvester Stallone’s height in the movie poster. Even compared to the shortest guys in this crew, Stallone comes off as pretty tall.

What gives?

We’re guessing the orientation of the cast in this poster creates somewhat of an optical illusion. Stallone is flanked by Jet Li, who is just 5 feet 6 inches, and Jason Statham, who is reportedly the same height as Stallone. The bigger guys stand at an angle.

By the way, the tallest among the cast is Dolph Lundgren, who stands at 6 feet, 4-and-a-quarter inches. And Stallone’s height doesn’t seem all that diminutive in comparison – but maybe that’s because they’ve sandwiched Jet Li in the middle?

All this Sylvester Stallone height business got us thinking about whether his three daughters, who appeared at The Expendables premiere with him, will end up towering over him? One of his daughters is already approaching papa Stallone’s height, and I can see the others catching up.

Do you think they fudged Sylvester Stallone’s height for The Expendables? I suppose it’s nothing new in Hollywood (I’m looking at you, Tom Cruise!).

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