Saturday, August 28, 2010


Lack of education and awareness is a big problem that prevails in Africa. A number of strange news has come from the continent in the past in which people have been killed due to certain superstitious reasons. Albinism is a disease in which the bodies of individuals lack pigments and that results in a lack of color in their skin. Albinos are not treated in a good manner by the Africans.

Connolly shall be coming to the ABC networks 20/20. He shall be coming to the show to describe the story of the bad treatment by Africans to people suffering fro Albinism. The program shall basically be focusing on a woman named Mariamu Stanford. Her arms were cut off by the villagers who sold them for earning a lot of profit. A number of witch doctors of the region believe that the body parts of people suffering from Albinism have got some supernatural powers. Those people believe that the addition of these parts in potions to bring good luck for its buyers. This is a very sad thing that innocent Albinos are maltreated by their local people.

The lady Stanford was given a pair of artificial arms by the Orthotic Prosthetic Center located in Fairfax. The discriminating behavior of the African people towards the Albinos is only due to lack of education and awareness. There is a need for formation of good educational institutes in Africa in order to make people more sophisticated. The lack of education can be very dangerous and an example of it has been mentioned above.

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