Friday, August 27, 2010

Oasis Winery

The crew of the reality television series of the “Desperate House Wives of DC” has recently visited the Oasis Winery of the famous Tareq Salahi who had been visiting a lot of parties of different celebrities
and famous personalities. This time the case with Salahi was a different on in which he was not involved in visiting any party. Recently Salahi who is the owner of the Oasis Winery which is far away from Virginia invited the crewmen and the cast of the Desperate Housewives of DC so that they can have a look at his winery and the wines that are being prepared over there. The reality was very bitter about the wines made at the Oasis Winery. The standard was not sufficient and enough to be purchased from this winery.

The crew saw something very irritating in the Winery which was the grapes which were not fresh and were bought from the grocery stores. The tour of the cast and crew of Desperate Housewives of Washington DC

was an amazing one and they came to know some information about the wines which were prepared there. Tareq Salahi is an interesting personality. He used to join the parties of the white house where he is not even invited. He was kicked out of the party by the secret service but he comes from another way inside again. The Oasis Winery vineyard of Salahi is an interesting place as well. The crew of the television show experienced that wines made in the vineyard of Salahi which was very tasty but another fact was that the place where grapes are grown all the grapes there have been bought from the grocery stores.

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