Friday, August 27, 2010

Nicole John Dead

The 17-year-old daughter of Eric John, the U.S. ambassador to Thailand, died tragically early this morning after a late night of partying at Tenjune in the Meatpacking District followed by drinks at a friend's Midtown high-rise apartment.

The diplomat's daughter, who had a fake Brazilian ID, apparently took her shoes off, climbed out the window onto the ledge of Herald Towers on 34th Street, and fell onto a third-floor landing. The fall appeared to be an accident, Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said. About 10 people were inside the apartment at the time; by the time officers arrived, the apartment had been completely cleaned up (i.e., there was no alcohol present). Investigators found a small camera beside John's body, suggesting that she may have climbed outside to take a picture.

Sources told the Daily News that Ilan Nassimi, 25, the party's host, was charged with giving alcohol to the 17-year-old, who recently graduated from the International School in Bangkok and was set to begin classes at Parsons School of Design this fall.

herald towers.jpg
via Herald Towers website
In New York City, 388 people died from accidental falls in 2008, according to the city's most recent summary of vital statistics. A representative from Herald Towers confirmed that the 25th floor from which John fell is the top floor of the building, and that the ledges outside the top levels are wider than that of the lower floors. The representative would not answer further questions because the investigation is still underway.

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