Thursday, August 19, 2010

Diamond Power Of Veto

Everyone keeps asking the same questions about the Big Brother 12 Diamond Power of Veto. Over and over and over again. SO here is a handy dandy list of all those FAQs to serve as a reference the next time you are asked one of these questions 30 times or so.

FAQ 1 – Can Matt nominate Brendon with the DPOV?
Answer – No. The HoH is safe. The HoH is always safe. Think of it as a reward for actually winning the competition that week and having to make at least two new enemies.

FAQ 2- Can Matt veto both nominees?
Answer – No. Matt can only replace one nominee. As Matt is nominated he will most likely replace himself.

FAQ 3 – But maybe Matt CAN replace Brendon. How do you know? We are supposed to expect the unexpected!
Answer – I get my facts from the episode where Matt found the DPOV in Pandora’s Box and read the rules out loud very clearly. If you want to pretend that there is something else going on, have fun with your fantasy, but please don’t confuse other fans.

FAQ 4 – Matt has been talking about there being the possibility of a power in the house. Can’t he lose DPOV for talking about it?
Answer – Matt can only lose the power if he out right says “I have the Diamond Power of Veto.” Right now it is safe to assume he is dropping hints, so that when its all over he can say “I was trying to hint to you guys that I had a power!” so that the HGs don’t stop trusting him. He is preparing for the backlash.

FAQ 5 – But the last time DPOV was used that person had the sole vote! Will Matt have the sole vote?
Answer – No. Matt only gets to remove one nomination and replace them with another nomination. The last time DPOV was in play it was season four. Allison won it. It was later in the season, so there was no one left to vote, leaving Allison with the sole vote.

FAQ 6 – Can’t Matt use DPOV to get J.K Rowling to write another Harry Potter novel?
Answer – Alas, no. While it may be fun to speculate, the terms of DPOV were very clearly defined when Matt opened Pandora’s box. Speculate about whether he will use it, whom he will put up, but for the love of Big Brother please stop with the absolutely insane theories.

FAQ 7 – When does Matt actually use the DPOV?
Answer – He will use it eviction night. He can use it either this week or next week. He will use it this week, duh.

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