Friday, August 20, 2010

Current Events

Current Events
Current Events: Here at Revelife, posts based on current events tend to get a lot of attention. Current events are relevant, right? It seems that we as Christians feel the need to emphasize how much we matter to everyone’s lives and society. Driving by churches, I see signs that read: “Contemporary, relevant services.” There’s a whole Christians online magazine just called “Relevant”
What’s the big deal with “relevant”? Could it be that we don’t feel very relevant to society anymore? I think that goes without saying. Unfortunately, the response seems to be to throw ourselves into current events, to be right there at every political movement, to follow and try to copy trends and to be up on pop culture. But as The Church of No People likes to point out, our cheesy, Christian T-shirts and extreme youth group marketing posters don’t really tend to attract people.

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