Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Altamont Fair

The Altamont Fair starts tomorrow!

From a farmer’s perspective, if you’re showing livestock, you’ve been preparing for months. Choosing the animal, practicing with it, the fair paperwork, the health certificates, transportation, stall assignments, bathing, clipping, grooming, and all the rest. It’s a lot of work and you have to love what you do.

My favorite parts are the 4H kids, dressed in their whites, showing their sheep, goats, and cows. If you are ever a little concerned about ‘youth today’, these kids are a must see. They will put your mind at ease and fill you with a giddy joy. Watching the children handle their animals will also touch your heart in a myriad of ways.

If you are fortunate enough to watch any of the 4H shows or visit with the children and their animals – congratulate them, tell them you know how much work they put into showing their animals, and tell them you’re proud of them! I know I am and I won’t hesitate to let them know that they are very much appreciated.

I have a friend volunteering in the Wool Nook (near the sheep, I believe – and I LOVE sheep, especially Cotswolds and Wensleydales), and another friend and fellow T.U. blogger you might know, Chuck Miller, has entered some of his photographs in the fair.

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