Saturday, September 4, 2010

Wachovia Online Banking

Customers since 1998, my family and I were among the first to utilize Wachovia's online banking program to check our account balances and pay bills. The online banking system was altered and changed over the years, but still offered us and other users a simple method of paying bills and staying up-to-date on our account information.

Wachovia online banking may become the sole source for some of Wachovia's customers, after reports this morning that they and other financial institutions will begin to charge for some services that don't utilize the online banking features.

What changes are occurring for Wachovia customers?

According to The Street, Wachovia has announced that they will start charging customers who receive paper statements and fail to utilize their online banking service to check their bank account information. In addition, The News of Today notes that the bank will no longer waive ATM usage fees from non-Wachovia ATMs. These changes are said to be in response to new banking regulations and a push toward requiring customers to utilize Wachovia's online banking.

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