Friday, September 3, 2010

Project Runway Season 8 Episode 6

Project Runway - You Can Totally Wear That Again]

Without the hindrance of 'Models of the Runway' we can have a challenge on 'Project Runway' that has nothing to do with the models.

This week Heidi announced that the contestants would have to transform a bridesmaid's dress into something fashionable and hip, but not anything wedding related. Everyone was still reeling from the drama of last week, with Michael C. still wiping the truck tire marks off his face.

Since the contestants had to use most of the bridesmaid's dress in their new dress, they were given only $50 and a maximum of two yards of fabric. Obviously, the loophole was that they could grab as much trim, feathers, buttons and zippers that they needed. Interestingly, most of the contestants picked the two yards of fabric. Christopher got tossed a wrench almost immediately when his client was changed; ironically, we don't hear much from him the rest of the episode

Our two characters with editing panic this episode were Michael D. and Peach. Michael tried his best to be politically correct by not calling his model fat, and decided to make a dress that emphasized his model's shape. Tim's critique with Michael D. pointed out that the bra looked oversized. Peach coined a "Peach Panic" as she messed up her skirt and slowly ran out of material as the commercial arrived. April tried to save her roommate, but to no avail.

Tim's critiques managed to go by without much of a hitch. His drama with Gretchen was put aside so he could give her more critiques. That's a true professional. The two Michael's went with a sheen fabric to accent their dresses. Valerie's original dress looked like the Cheerios outfit on 'Glee.' Casanova told Tim "exactly" about 20 times; it didn't matter, he was immune. Peach feared the pattern fabric she chose wasn't right, but Tim reassured her.

The contestants got a twist by showing their dresses at a public showcase. The attendees got to vote for their favorite outfit. Peach claimed that she could "sell Ice to Iceland," but I think she meant Greenland. I thought everyone learned that Greenland had ice and Iceland was green; maybe she had a Casanova moment. Michael C. managed to sweet talk his way to a few votes.

The day after the public viewing, several designers scrambled to fix their dresses. Peach still couldn't get her dress to work and no one was nice enough to warn her that her ruffles looked like a woman with stuffed napkins on the side of her skirt. She did listen to her gut and tried to cover as much of her dress with a straight hairstyle.

Joining Michael Kors and Nina Garcia for judging was Cynthia Rowley. As the dresses went down, I had mixed feelings for most. Ivy and Casanova created the same basic idea; I'd prefer Casanova's pants with Ivy's top. I loved Mondo's whole look after he mentioned that his client was from Jersey City; it was fitting for her to have tacky New Jersey hair. I was confused by Valerie's black squares on the side of the dress; they looked almost as if they peeled off the sides. I also couldn't believe that Andy got away with dying his outfit; it looked great, but it felt like the easy way out, turning something blue -- that he himself mentioned complimented his model's skin tone -- into a gray/purple. Christopher's dress was well tailored and looked pretty, but it couldn't have been that hard. I'm confused as to where a whole jacket came from on Michael D's dress. I don't recall his model having a jacket at the showcase.

The high scoring dresses were Mondo (streamlined, modern), Michael C.(great mix of fabrics, great), and Christopher (strong top, bottom a bit too short). Even though Mondo had the most votes at the showcase, Michael C. won again. Michael used a similar dress without the lace to audition for the show. I'm getting bored with his designs.

The low-scoring dresses got bashed hard this week. Peach was assaulted with words like "avocado goiter," "Holly hobby," and "bedskirt ruffle fest." Michael D., who looked like he went to jail for drug possession, made his dress worse and cheaper looking than the original. Nina claimed she could use the dress to prevent dengue. Valerie apparently repositioned her model's breasts in a tacky fashion. Wonky breasts and mosquito netting aside, Peach was sent home. She proclaimed that the "Fairy Dragmother" was no longer with her kids.

It was really Peach's time to go; she never got past doing a few outfits that she thought looked modern, but actually looked old. If she didn't listen to Tim and put a transition between the shirt and the skirt, the dress could have looked better. Some thought had been put into the the back of the dress and was tailored correctly as well.

On previous seasons of 'Project Runway,' or even 'Top Chef,' when the audience got to vote, that vote counted. Whether it was via an auction (Season 1's Envy challenge) or an actual vote (Season 2's Banana Republic challenge), the person/team that got the votes won. There was no reason that Mondo shouldn't have won other than the fact that Heidi and the judges knew that, from the week before, Michael C. had enemies. They gave him the win to save him and create more drama.

What's your take on the elimination? Leave your comments below.

'Project Runway' airs Thursdays at 9PM ET on Lifetime

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