Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Michael Douglas Throat Cancer

Michael Douglas made an appearance on the Late Show With David Letterman Tuesday night and talked opening about his battle with throat cancer.  See the video of Michael Douglas on Letterman below.

Actor Michael Douglas was on David Letterman’s show to promote his latest movie but most of the discussion was about his cancer.

Douglas said he has stage 4 cancer and explained how he found out saying, “It had been bothering me for a while… In early summer, I had a really sore throat.”  The actor adds, “And I actually went through a litany of doctors and tests and they didn’t find anything.”

Michael went back to the doctor and explains, “A guy [told me to say] ‘ahhhh’ and he said, ‘Let me just take a little clip of that.’ And this all happened within three weeks, and I got a biopsy and they analyzed it – it’s a stage 4, which is intense, and so they’ve got to go at it…”

“Now when you said ’stage 4,’ I heard someone gasp,” David stated, asking, “Now, is stage 4 where you want to be or where you do not want to be?”

“Um, no. No, you like to be down at stage 1… but it has not — the big thing you’re always worried about is it spreading, so I am head and neck,” Michael explained. “I am above the neck, so nothing’s gone down, and the expectations are good… ”

At the end of their interview David Letterman stated, “Wow, boy, I feel like I want to do something for you.”  And asked, “Can I do something for you?”

“Ahh, give me a hug,” Michael said.

Check out the video of Douglas’ Letterman interview below:

Michael Douglas shares details of his throat cancer

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