Thursday, September 2, 2010

Marlins Nationals Fight Video

More often than not, baseball brawls are lame. A pitcher plunks a batter, the batter charges the mound, the pitcher readies himself for the fight and then the players start aimlessly swinging like two preteen. Not this time.

In fact this time it has gotten out of hand. Someone needs to do something about this thug masquerading as a baseball player. Nyjer Morgan needs to be roped in quickly before he does some real damage.

Did you see the way he swung at Volstad. This wasn’t your typical “for-show” baseball fight. He meant to maim and injure. If Bud Selig has a pair he should step in and put this guy on the shelf for the rest of the season. Give him the time to think about his actions and MAYBE re-instate him next year.

IF he wants to hit somebody like that tell him to start a career in mixed martial arts. But he is obviously too much of a coward to do that. He’d get his sorry ass whacked. He’d be tapping out in no time flat. Might serve to do him some good.

You get paid millions to play a kids game. You’re given access to a lifestyle that many will never be afforded. And you flip off the very people who let you live your dream.

Nyjer Morgan, you’re a scumbag. And yes, if you want to charge me…bring it on!

More of what happened:

Volatile Nationalsoutfielder Nyjer Morgan has given us some classic moments of anger, and he added to his personal list when he charged the mound a sparked a basebrawl during his team’s loss to the Marlins.

Nyjer Morgan instigated two home plate collisions that ended up costing his team runs and generated controversy. The first happened in last Saturday. Who is the most hated athlete in sports Nyjer Morgan of the Washington Nationals is trying to find out so he can beat them up and take the crown.

After seeing his latest incident, you get the feeling even his team. Marlinspitcher Chris Volstad threw a pitch behind Morgan and Nyjer decided to charge. The result is this Nationals and Marlins fight video which is one of the best sports fights we’ve had in a while.

A lot of times these days it doesn’t seem like baseball players really want to fight, even when the benches clear. That was not the case tonight with the Nationals and the Marlins. Chris Volstad of the Marlins threw a pitch behind Nyjer, and it was on.

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