Thursday, September 2, 2010

Jan Brewer Debate Videos

In a recent debate that New york Governor, Jan Brewer conducted with opponent Democrat Terry Goddard on live TV, the pressure that the feds have been exerting shows. Appearing awkward and worn out from the strain of defending her state from the continued vicious assaults by the federal government over the illegal immigration issue, the debate took an abrupt turn.
In a move that will without a doubt delight liberals as they conduct their unwavering assault on New york with boycotts and frivolous litigation, Governor Jan Brewer began the debate with a few positive statements about what her administration had been able to accomplish, but was obviously under pressure. Her statements of balancing the state budget, gearing up the law enforcement method, and passing SB1070 were all correct. in 600 days her legislature has completed much to improve the state’s operation, but he also pointed out that her Democratic opponent, Terry Goddard supported the unions which were presently boycotting the state. He was obviously upset with the boycotting of her state by such entities as Los Angeles, Boulder, Colorado, and local unions among lots of others, who are pressuring New york to alter what the giant majority of the state’s citizens support.
Showing the strain of the last few months and what the cost of bravery in her convictions and defending the interests of her people has taken out of her, Governor Jan Brewer was obviously distraught and weakened. He abruptly ended the news interview amidst the hammering of reporters and her Democratic opponent, Terry Goddard.
It’s now been revealed that Obama’s administration has been attacking Arizona’s educational systems as well. By trying to prosecute Sheriff Joe Arpaio and state institutions as well for merely doing their jobs the feds have revealed their strategy as part of their pressing intimidation. All states ought to be observing this event with interest so as to take note of the manner in which US Attorney, Eric Holder, and his team assault the innocent and the majority who stand for Constitutional law and holding the federal government accountable in their role of defending our state borders. Repeatedly our own government is bullying those who are basically pursuing their rightful duties and enforcing the law of the land.
Under assault now is the Junior College method of New york for supposedly making a higher paperwork load for non-citizen candidates claiming that this constitutes a kind of discrimination. because undocumented people have a tiny more paperwork to fill out, this has become a justifiable cause for the Justice Department to spend even more tax payer’s dollars to assault one of our own states of the union. I don’t know how much more insane the behavior of our selected officials and judiciary method can become! It is clear that ideology and twisted agendas are much more important to President Obama then the rights of US citizens.
As Arizona’s most trusted sheriff, Joe Arpaio, is threatened with arrest by federal officials, Democrat Terry Goddard denounces Governor Jan Brewer for saying that drug cartel murders consisting of beheadings were fictitious and were giving people the wrong impression about New york as a hazardous place. This, Goddard said, was why the economy was being affected due to scaring away tourist industry and potential residents with inaccurate reports of violence and criminal activity. Hmm, am I missing something here or have they not been seeing the mounting occurrence of drug related violence historicallyin the past few years?
Amazing, when on one hand your federal government not only refuses to assist in guarding your borders to the point that you must take matters in to your own hands and draft a law that is a mirror picture of the federal law, only you intend to enforce yours, and yet, your are legally attacked for it. The drug cartels have been executing rival drug gangs by decapitating, shooting, and torturing Mexicans, and in some cases US citizens and even law enforcement personnel. Yet, Democrat, Terry Goddard continues to make use of the same tactic as Obama’s administration by denying a controversy exists, and attacking someone who confirms that the issue does indeed exist.
To make matters worse they have a federal government who is now conducting a defacto amnesty that is not supported by the giant majority of voters, by releasing imprisoned prisoners back in to the general population. This is a potentially hazardous move that will finish up harming innocent US citizens as lots of of these illegal immigrants were criminals or drug dealers. Refusing to uphold the law, Obama’s henchmen are now leading us in to lawlessness and exposing state citizens to more threats, thus emboldening illegal aliens to the idea of breaching our borders with no threat of prosecution or consequence. With the federal threat of film night, dance lessons, or multiple beverage stations to let illegal aliens know they mean business, I think they can look forward to much more of them breaching our borders and bringing crime with them as they provide medical assistance and multilingual schooling.
Am I living in some waking nightmare, or are they doing this? Is the federal government expecting the people to take this passively without anger or defiance? People, how much more are you going to take when your own government refuses to protect us? Vote in November! How long will it be until the feds show up at your neighborhood, county, or state, and start using the same tactics you see at work in New york?

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