Thursday, September 2, 2010

Hydroxic Acid

Hydroxic Acid, Future launch site to update information related to water, proudly begins its inaugural post ten fascinating facts about water, shamelessly lifted from Wikipedia:

1. It really is blue. No, seriously.

2. It is the only common, pure substance found naturally in all three states of matter.

3. It is one of the few substances that is less dense in solid form, ice, and that its liquid state. This is a good thing, if not completely understood.

4. In 1742, Anders Celsius defined the Celsius temperature scale with the freezing point of water at 100 degrees and the boiling point at standard atmospheric pressure at 0 degrees. Carolus Linnaeus reversed the scale in 1745 after the death of Celsius. It is unknown whether Linnaeus said “duh.”

5. In some circumstances, hot water freezes faster than colder water. This is known as the Mpemba effect.

6. Oxide, hydrogen and dihydrogen monoxide (DHMO) are two scientific names for water. The ominous sound that the second name, in particular its acronym, was the genesis of a fraud that led to some innocent for a ban on the waters, because, among other threats, which causes erosion and drowning and is a component main acid rain.

7. The water can act as an acid or alkali, and also has an acid name, hydroxic acid, and a name alkaline hydrogen hydroxide. Do not memorize them, or are widely used.

8. This may come as a shock, but pure water has a low electrical conductivity. Naturally, water has always produced impurities; even in small quantities these salts enhance the conductivity of the water.

9. Ice is a general term for more than 14 known solid state of water. Why ice is slippery is still a matter of scientific controversy.

10. Ninety-seven percent of the surface waters of the Earth is in the huge bowls of soup we call oceans saline. (Water, water everywhere and all that.)

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