Thursday, September 16, 2010

Big Brother 12 winner: Hayden Moss wins Big Brother 2010

big brother 12 winner big brother 12 winner

Hayden Moss won “Big Brother 12″ in a 4-3 vote Wednesday night. Lane Elenburg got second place. Britney Haynes was named America's Favorite Player and got 25,000.
Lane Elenburg got second place. Hayden gets 500,000 and Lane gets 50,000.
Britney Haynes was named America's Favorite Player and got 25,000.
CBS, Sonja Flemmimg/AP Photo

1 comment:

  1. I didn’t watch last night’s finale, but I’m disappointed that Hayden won. I was really hoping Enzo would emerge victorious. Enzo was the most entertaining houseguest this season.
