Friday, October 8, 2010

ite singapore

Success-You Can Enjoy It Too!

“My grades are so lousy, how can I compete with those smarter than I?”

“I’m from the Institute of Technical Education (ITE), and you know that it’s the end for me right?”

“I learn things too slowly. I am just too hopeless. Do not ask me about my future. I cannot think of it.”

These were just some of the dismal comments I received during my interactions with people I met on the streets. These were the kind of feedback these so-called low-achievers received from the society.

It’s a cruel reality that most of our societies equate academic achievements with success. However, is it true that obtaining good grades are the only road to success? No, it’s definitely not.

The race between the rabbit and the tortoise

Have you read or heard about the infamous race between the rabbit and the tortoise? Who do you think will won? Rabbit, I guess? Everyone thought the rabbit would win the race, without doubt. However, the tortoise shocked the spectators by winning the race!

How did the tortoise manage to win the rabbit?

Yes, the rabbit was much faster than the tortoise. However, it became complacent on seeing its lead over the tortoise. Hence it took a rest by a tree and fell asleep. On the other hand despite being looked down on by the crowd, the tortoise was not disheartened. It was determined to finish the race no matter how long it took him. With a focused mind, the tortoise persevered all the way, by-passed the complacent rabbit, and reached the finishing line even before the rabbit woke up to realize that it had lost the race to the tortoise.

In life, many of us may not be considered the elite, or the cream of the crop. Our grades may not make it to the mark. Our teachers, our parents, our peers, people in the society may not look favorably on us. However, do you know that we can still outshine those who’re considered the elite (rabbit) just like how the tortoise won the race against the rabbit?

Examples of successful individuals who were under-achievers

If you are doubtful about achieving success because you think you are a under-achiever. Now read the real-life, recent examples below, and get back your confidence.

Sairin Sani is a ITE graduate. He was from the Normal Stream and had little interest in his studies while he was in school. Just like many others, who performed badly at the Cambridge Ordinary Level Examination, he ended in ITE. It was supposedly the end of a promising future for him as many says. However, the hands-on training offered by ITE appealed to him greatly, and from then on, Sairin regained his confidence and gusto for learning. From ITE, Sairin advanced on to polytechnic, then to National Technical University (NTU), where he graduated with first-class honors in Mechanical and Production Engineering. And now, he is pursuing his dream career in aerospace engineering.

Mr. Tan Koon, a ITE graduate of about 17 years, graduated from ITE with a Industrial Technician Certificate in Electronics, and signed up as a regular with the Singapore Police Force thereafter. While serving his five-year bond, he pursued his Diploma in Electronics Engineering on a part-time basis. When his bond ended, he worked for a couple of years to gain more experiences before heading into business, with his business partner, Au Yong Leong Choong who is also a ITE graduate. With his determination, he managed to set up four companies specializing in IT, systems integration and trading within four years. Now, Mr. Tan Koon is a successful businessperson.

There are many more examples of individuals who made a mark for themselves despite being stigmatized by society due to their earlier poor academic achievements.

What are the factors contributing to these individuals’ successes?

These individuals have a goal in mind, they know what they want, they believe in their dreams, and they plan, take action, stay focus, welcome failure as they see failure as feedback towards success, and finally achieve success with determination and perseverance. These apply to many successful people, e.g., Thomas Edison, Bill gates, Richard and Maurice McDonald, just to name a few.

~ If you want to be successful, it’s just this simple: Know what you are doing. Love what you are doing. And believe in what you are doing. ~
Will Rogers

To sum, intelligence is not the main contributing factor towards success. What makes a successful person is what he does. It’s all within his control.

You can be successful too. It’s never too late. Ask yourself what you want. Not just any other want, but a want which you really desire and will feel regrettable if you cannot achieve it. Then ask yourself what is the purpose behind this want. Next plan and take action. The journey to success is never easy. However, you must remember this:

Successful people never say “I give up!”

Successful people never say try. They do.

Successful people think positively and always say “I can do it!”

~The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack in will. ~
Vince Lombardi

There is also this saying, “If there is a will, there is a way.” Do not let others put you down. Do not let the past pull you down. The more others say you cannot do it, prove to them otherwise! Let everyone know you are a gem too! Believe in yourself and your dream, focus and work towards it, and you will achieve success eventually!

~ The first step toward success is taken when you refuse to be a captive of the environment in which you first find yourself. ~

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