Friday, October 1, 2010

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

It is time' for the 7th Annual National Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign Which Will Once Again Stress the Importance of Mammography Testing for Early Detection . Contact Capitol City Speakers Bureau for the best healthcare speakers and motivational trainers for your event during National Breast Cancer Awareness Month  and . Breast cancer awareness month stresses early detection. County groups For breast cancer awareness month, which is all of October, Williams  and other groups . Breast cancer awareness month stresses need for early detection For breast cancer awareness month, which is all of October, Williams and other groups around the county want . Illinois IGNN: Breast-Cervical Cancer News. State Public Health Director Stresses Importance of Routine Screenings During Cervical Cancer Awareness .

Breast Cancer Awareness Month stresses importance of Mammography
October kicks off Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The Mammography Saves Lives Coalition has coincided with Breast Cancer Awareness Month by launching an all out public awareness campaign to clear confusion regarding when, and how often women should get mammograms.

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